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Tony Robbins and SimplyPHP helping Canadian inmates

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Tony Robbins and SimplyPHP helping Canadian inmates. Montreal, December 2014 – Nearly 12 months ago, during a year-end meeting at SimplyPHP’s office, owners Raphael Leroux and Tony Capozzi were discussing how much Tony Robbins’ programs have had an impact on their own business when a particularly inspiring idea took flight. They began discussing the idea and agreed it sounded great, but seemed impossible.

We’ve been avid followers of Tony Robbins’ work for over two years and have also had a chance to attend one of his leadership seminars in Toronto” said Mr. Leroux from his Montreal offices. “His work has transformed our business and our lives. We began talking about the smallest book in Tony Robbins’ collection, titled Notes from a Friend. It’s such a small book but it’s extremely powerful. We knew that a lot of people would benefit from it if we could just get it to them.” That’s when my partner said, “Let’s get a copy of Notes from a Friend into every Canadian prison!

“Many questions arose after that statement,” says Mr. Capozzi. “How many prisons are there? How much would it cost? Would they even let us do it? Instead of focusing on the unknown challenges, we focused on the result. We knew that inmates would benefit immensely from this book for decades to come, so we decided to make it happen.”

After contacting The Correctional Service of Canada, the duo worked to get the project accepted. They spoke with Marie-France Migneron from the community outreach program and while “they were initially reluctant to discuss the matter” according to Mr. Leroux, the duo decided to send Ms. Migneron a copy of the book.

“We made her promise that if we sent her a copy, she would read it, and five days after she got the book she called me” said Mr. Capozzi with a big smile. “All she said was, I’ve read it, my boss has read it, and we’re in!”

Mr. Capozzi contacted the Anthony Robbins Foundation to see if they could get a good deal on the books since they were buying so many. “I spoke with Mr. Shane Moniot from the foundation” explained Capozzi. “Once Mr. Moniot heard about what we were doing, he said he would speak with his supervisor and call me back. What they did next took us all by surprise.”

“The foundation went way beyond what any of us expected,” said Leroux. “Instead of offering us a discount on the Notes from a Friend books, they said they would donate and deliver Tony Robbins’ complete collection for every Federal prison in Canada. For us, this just confirmed to us that Tony Robbins and his foundation are truly interested in helping people. Now, in addition to Notes from a Friend, 15,000 inmates throughout Canada’s 51 prisons will have access to Tony Robbins’ complete collection of books, and it’s all happening just in time for the holidays.

Special thanks to:

Marie-France Migneron – Corrections Canada
Sylviane Laferrière – Corrections Canada
Shane Moniot – Anthony Robbins Foundation
Andrea Fields – Anthony Robbins Foundation

Tony Capozzi – Partner (English) (855) 498-4490 [email protected]
Raphael Leroux – Partner (French) (855) 498-4490 [email protected]